NEWSFLASH03 January 2025
New line! SCOPE T&M
The new year has arrived and we often have good intentions at the start of the new year.
Well, we always want to offer our customers the best service. To meet this even better, we start the new year with a new line.
Our new line is SCOPE. Who is SCOPE?
SCOPE is a pioneer in developing portable test and measurement instruments for the energy sector in India and 60+ countries around the world and specializes in offering measurement solutions for both users and manufacturers of equipment used in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. They offer a range of mobile test instruments that can operate in switching stations and solutions for improving the efficiency of assets in the energy industry.
SCOPE is one of the few manufacturers in the world that has designed and developed test and measurement equipment with advanced technology, where the surge arrester, the leakage current analyzer and the circuit breaker analyzer are unique products.
SCOPE ensures the highest product quality and service with competitive prices.
For more information about SCOPE :