The new year has arrived and we often have good intentions at the start of the new year. Well, we always want to offer our customers the best service. To meet this even better, we start the new year with a new line. Our new line is SCOPE. Who is SCOPE? SCOPE is a pioneer […]
M+R expo – Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 191 te 2020 Antwerpen
You can visit Control & Protection on the 26th + 27th of March 2025 on stand number 3179. M+R is The trade fair for process automation.
Energy Transition Congress – 11/12/2023
Control & Protection, alongside Luminus and Engie, was the main sponsor of the Energy Transition Congress 2023.
Eddy & Bernard on the road
Automation & Metrology on the road. Eddy & Bernard were visitors at 2 expos during the week of 27 November 2023.
Our Megger Transformer Test Event – 10/10/2023
On Tuesday 10 October, our Metrology business unit hosted a Transformer Test Event in collaboration with Megger. As a specialist distributor of electrical measurement equipment and monitoring systems, we feel it is our duty to inform and educate customers about what is happening in the field of metrology.
Utilities supervized by iFIX
iFIX and Historian control and monitor the utilities of all buildings of a major French University Hospital Center in the south of France.